Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Pen to Paper...

Today is National Handwriting Day, although in these times of social media it's more international handwriting day. Handwriting really is something that I'm passionate about because I do it every single day. Let me explain...
Anyone who has met me or followed me on social media for any length of time will know that I am a serious notebook addict. I currently have slightly over 100 full notebooks and 35 notebooks waiting to be filled (and I will buy more, I know I will).

           With a notebook collection like that it makes sense to write by hand. I also love the sensation of writing by hand. I love the way ink flows over paper, the curves of letters, the flow of ones thoughts. I find it particularly pleasurable when writing fiction because I can completely immerse myself in the world I am creating. My notebooks contain first drafts and research and character profiles; they are a complete and tangible history of my interests and inspiration. I love seeing them sitting together on a shelf and I love opening an old notebook and finding some forgotten treasure.
          I recently took down one of my beautiful Paperblanks silver filigree notebooks and found notes on Louis XIV's love of ballet, of 17th Century fairy folklore and snippets from a love story I had titled, "May I be your Cello" (yes, that is as naughty as it sounds).
        It was a wonderful moment, a beautiful moment; seeing the person that I had been and that I was. I still have many of the same obsessions (I am certainly still fascinated by Louis XIV) but I have developed new obsessions too and my writing style has changed and evolved over the years.
I wonder what I will think in a couple of years time when I open the notebooks I am keeping now?

In fact if there is one downside to writing everything by hand it is this: eventually, everything must be typed up.